1:1 Health Coaching Sessions & Energy Sessions
  • 1:1 Health Coaching Sessions & Energy Sessions
  • 1:1 Health Coaching Sessions & Energy Sessions

1:1 Health Coaching Sessions & Energy Sessions

100,00 € - 560,00 €
Prior to our Health Coaching sessions I will email you 2 documents to complete (if you choose - it's not obligatory but it is a very useful exercise).
You will examine what really matters in your life; what you love and value. Often we can lose sight of this, as we get swept along by life.
The second document you will examine your current core areas of health and get a sense of the area(s) you'd like to focus on.
These exercises are often revelatory and set the scene for our session(s).
Once we have arranged a date and time, I will send you a zoom link and we will connect. The initial session takes 1.5 hours.
Together we explore your core area of health/wellbeing and develop a SMART Goal and Action Plan.
Subsequent sessions are 1 hour, if you would like to continue working with me over a specified duration, decided on by you, also via zoom.
For the 1:1 Energy sessions, we meet via zoom, have a chat about what it is that you would like to change, create or release. Then you lie or sit comfortably in a quiet location at home and I work on you energetically. My role is to be the space for your healing to occur. You remain the person in charge. My role is to facilitate.
Coming soon
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